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- Written by: Yana Metlyova
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
30 russian masters and grandmasters signed an open letter calling on Mr. Putin to end to the war against Ukraine
“Appeal to the President of the Russian Federation from Russian chess players. We oppose military actions on the territory of Ukraine and call for an early ceasefire and a peaceful solution to the conflict through dialogue and diplomatic negotiations. It is unbearably painful for us to see the catastrophe that is happening these days to our peoples. We have always played for Russia in individual and, with particular pride, in team competitions. We believe that chess, like sports in general, should bring people together. The most difficult and prestigious international tournaments were held in our country at the highest level even in the midst of a pandemic. Chess teaches responsibility for one's actions; every step counts, and a mistake can lead to a fatal point of no return. And if this has always been about sports, now people's lives, basic rights and freedoms, human dignity, the present and future of our countries are at stake. In these tragic days, we think of all the people who found themselves in the center of this terrible conflict. We share the pain with our Ukrainian colleagues and call for peace. The Ukrainian chess team is the reigning European champion, one of the best teams in the world along with ours. We played dozens of matches and hundreds of games. We have always put wrestling above politics - and the Ukrainians responded to us in return. We ask you to give teams, players and ordinary people from both countries a chance for mutual respect. We are for peace. Stop the war!"
The petition was signed by:
Ian Nepomniachtchi, grandmaster, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, two-time Russian champion, European champion, vice-world champion, two-time world champion, European champion as part of the Russian team, winner of the FIDE Online Olympiad as part of the Russian team;
Alexandra Kosteniuk, grandmaster, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, 12th world champion, Russian champion, World Cup winner, three-time Olympic champion with the Russian team, two-time world champion and five-time European champion with the Russian team;
Daniil Dubov, grandmaster, world champion in rapid chess, European champion as a member of the Russian team and winner of two online Olympiads as a member of the Russian team;
Petr Svidler, grandmaster, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, eight-time champion of Russia, winner of the World Cup, five-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads as part of the Russian team, two-time winner of the World Team Championship as part of the Russian team, three-time winner of the European Team Championship as part of the Russian team;
Andrey Esipenko, grandmaster, winner of two online Olympiads as part of the Russian team;
Maxim Matlakov, grandmaster, European champion, European champion as part of the Russian team;
Kirill Alekseenko, grandmaster, participant of the Candidates Tournament, European champion in the Russian team;
Alexander Motylev, grandmaster, Russian champion, European champion, coach of the Russian men's team;
Evgeny Naer, grandmaster, European champion, coach of the Russian women's team;
Pavel Tregubov, grandmaster, European champion;
Anton Demchenko, grandmaster, European champion;
Mikhail Kobalia, grandmaster, senior coach of the Russian youth team;
Alexander Khalifman, grandmaster, FIDE world champion, two-time Olympic champion in the Russian team;
Valentina Gunina, Grandmaster, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, multiple champion of Russia and Europe in the individual competition, three-time Olympic champion in the Russian team, world champion, six-time European champion in the Russian team, winner of two online Olympiads in the Russian team;
Polina Shuvalova, International Master, World Junior Chess Champion, Russian Rapid Champion, World and European Champion as a member of the Russian team, winner of two online Olympiads as a member of the Russian team;
Alina Kashlinskaya, grandmaster, European champion, world champion and two-time European champion as part of the Russian team;
Igor Lysy, grandmaster, champion of Russia;
Dmitry Kryakvin, grandmaster, journalist;
Vladimir Barsky, international master, journalist;
Mark Glukhovsky, master candidate, organizer;
Maxim Notkin, international master, journalist;
Maxim Chigaev, grandmaster;
Anastasia Chigaeva, FIDE Master;
Olga Badelko, grandmaster;
Pavel Ponkratov, grandmaster;
Alexander Shimanov, grandmaster;
Igor Berdichevsky, grandmaster;
Ivan Rozum, grandmaster;
Ildar Khairullin, grandmaster;
Artur Gabrielyan, grandmaster;
Nikita Petrov, grandmaster;
Evgeny Gleizerov, grandmaster;
Artem Odegov, FIDE Master;
Konstantin Mesropov, International Master;
Svetlana Ershova, Women's International Master;
Evgeny Egorov, international master;
Anna Volkova, organizer;
Eteri Kublashvili, FIDE Women's Master;
Yana Sidorchuk, organizer;
Anna Burtasova, women's grandmaster;
Denis Grigoriev, journalist;
Ilya Gorodetsky, candidate master, commentator;
Oleg Pervakov, grandmaster, multiple world champion in chess composition, journalist.
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- Written by: FIDE Council
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
The Official Statement of FIDE Council
Today, on February 27, 2022, an extraordinary meeting of the FIDE Council was held on the current situation and the urgent measures to be taken after the military action launched by Russia in Ukraine.
As stated by the FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, the FIDE Council regards its main mission in preserving the unity of FIDE and respecting the basic human rights enshrined in the FIDE Charter.
In this regard, the FIDE Council has adopted a number of important emergency decisions.
- FIDE Council approves the following statement condemning the military action:
“FIDE expresses its grave concern about the military action started by Russia in Ukraine. FIDE stands united against wars as well as condemns any use of military means to resolve political conflicts. FIDE will take any necessary action to ensure the security of chess players and other members of the chess community. No official FIDE chess competitions and events will be held in Russia and Belarus.”
- Following the call from IOC, the FIDE Council decides that no Russian and Belarusian national flag be displayed or anthem be played in all FIDE-rated international chess events. Instead – the national chess federation’s flag or the official symbol/logo shall be used. A simplified procedure for performing under the FIDE flag would be followed where it is crucial for the players or any other chess officials under the current geopolitical situation.
- In order to safeguard FIDE from reputational, financial, and any other possible risks, FIDE terminates all existing sponsorship agreements with any Belarusian and Russian sanctioned and/or state-controlled companies and will not enter into new sponsorship agreements with any such companies.
- FIDE Council condemns any public statement from any member of the chess community which supports unjustified military action and brings the case of chess grandmasters Sergey Karjakin and Sergey Shipov to the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.
- The FIDE Council reaffirms the FIDE Congress dates, welcomes the AICF's bid to host the 44th Chess Olympiad, and suggests 10 days for other bids.
The FIDE Council suggests that regardless of the organization of the Chess Olympiad 2022, FIDE will organize the annual FIDE Congress during the previously planned dates – from 27.07.2022. till 02.08.2022. with the election date on 01.08.2022. The preference is to combine the FIDE Congress with the Chess Olympiad 2022. However, consultations with the potential organizers of the Chess Olympiad 2022 will be carried out and adjustment of the FIDE Congress dates is possible if it does not imply a notable delay of elections. The FIDE Council confirms that the continental elections shall be organized within their constitutional terms.
- The FIDE Council confirms its commitment to the continuation of all the established development programs for national federations, zones, continents, and affiliated organizations.
* * *
March 2, 2022 update:
After receiving the opinion of Mr Rivello, the Chair of FIDE Constitutional Commission, the FIDE Council decides to suspend the title of the FIDE Ambassador for Life for Anatoly Karpov and asks the General Assembly to take a decision on the matter. The FIDE Council also approves that sanctioned persons would be denied to hold any honorary or official positions in FIDE and would not be invited to any official FIDE events. Both decisions have been taken by the majority of votes.
2022 Extraordinary FIDE Council Meeting: Protocol (click to download)
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- Written by: Sanjoy Banerjee
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
With the Christmas Season upon us, we though it was high time to review the best chess books published in 2019. Here, with some help from Santa's elves, are the top five "must have" stocking fillers of 2019.
1. Steven Kee - My 60 Execrable Games
A veteran of over 1000 competitive chess games, author Steve Kee is spoilt for choice in guiding us through this compendium of dire, ridiculous and downright unfathomable chess-capades from his undistinguished career. This legendary title has been updated to include games from the new season where his ceaseless experimentation has delivered new lows.
2. Richard Dawkins - The Caissa Delusion
Never one to shy away from controversy, renowned Oxford professor Richard Dawkins untangles the skein of superstition, myth and folly that leads chess players down the ages into believing supernatural forces care one jot about their fumbling attempts at what is after all a mere board game. This polemic will give you all the ammunition you need to win an argument at a dinner party near you.
3. Magnus Carlsen - How to Beat John Redmond
You would imagine that the reigning World Chess Champion would have been busy this year. Yet in spite of retaining his crown and extending his unbeaten streak to one hundred classical games and beyond, Carlsen has found time to produce this peerless manual of how to thwart a player who is widely regarded as the most dogged, tenacious scourge of Merseyside Chess. In a contretemps that mirrors the publishing duel of Karpov and Kasparov in the 1980s, Redmond is reportedly working on his own counter volume. We await next year's list with baited breath.
4. Steven Hawking - A Brief History of Time Pressure
The early indications are that this weighty tome is fast becoming one of the most widely bought (yet least read!) chess books of the year. If you thought mating with two knights against a pawn was difficult, strap yourself in for a truly mind-bending analysis of time pressure paradigms including why your opponent always seems to have more time than you and how to behave correctly when your opponent forgets to press his clock.
5. GM Poppy Krush - Chess and Opiates: The Verdict!
Our final choice is the eagerly anticipated successor to "Chess and Alcohol" and "Chess and Caffeine", where GM Krush invites us to chase the dragon with her, leading to what is a truly memorable conclusion. Life across the sixty-four squares is unlikely to be the same again.
We hope you enjoyed reading this post. We urge you not to take it too seriously. On behalf of all at Atticus Chess Club, we wish your and your nearest and dearest a joyous, restful and auspicious Christmas and New Year!
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- Written by: shankly
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
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- Written by: sjb
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
The new season begins tomorrow night with Chris Wentworth's Attcus 5 team taking on Skelmersdale 2. Wednesday night will see the 600 League team back in action against Southport and hoping to retain their title! Also Atticus 440 will be at home to St Helens.
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- Written by: Luke Boumphrey
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
HI all it is that time of year again. I am now collecting subs for the new season 2019 -2020.
Waged £27 plus £18 pounds for membership = £45
Unwaged £5 plus £18 pounds for membership = £23
I will be down the club every Monday of September collecting or you can pay via your team captain.
Please pay promptly so we are not in arrears.
Luke Boumphrey Atticus Treasurer
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- Written by: alphainfinity
- Category: Atticus Chess Club
Congratulations to John Redmond for becoming one the MCA's and North West's top graded players with an ECF rating of 214, this puts John just 2 points outside the top 100 ECF graded players. Also moving up are Jim McCarthy 170, Ben Ellington 131 and Sanjoy Banerjee 129,Steve Winstanely 110.